It looks like 'old man winter' is just getting started with our dosage of snow this year! While there may not be as many snow days as there were last year, we’ve recently got a little skiff of the fluffy white stuff! One of our ambassadors took one for the team and went to see how the trails were running! 




The power lines had a good 3-4 inches of snow, but there were plenty of tracks where others had ridden through! 


The top of Dear John. It looks like most of the riders chose to go here instead of Severed D.

Severed D, John Deer, and Boogieman/Boogie Knights are ridable but have a thin layer of slippery packed snow on them, and in some places, ice. It’s not the best winter riding conditions, but if you’re itching to get out for some good times on bikes, the snow alone isn’t a good enough excuse!


The log ride in Boogieman. Ridable? I see more footprints than tire tracks!